About Us
The Eltham Toy Library is a not-for-profit organisation giving members the opportunity to borrow from a huge range of over 900 toys, games and puzzles.
We have been an Incorporated Association since 1989 and have been serving families in the local Eltham community for over 30 years!

Children become quickly bored with toys after their initial interest wanes and require different toys as they reach new developmental stages.
Provides a variety and versatility of learning experiences.
Saves money and space on unwanted toys, whilst avoiding the environmental impacts of continuous toy purchases
Children love visiting the toy library to help choose toys to take home and parents have the opportunity to meet other families with young children in the community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you take donated second-hand toys?
Yes we do. For toys to be suitable for toy library use they must be in good condition, sturdy, not missing any vital pieces and suitable for children between birth and six years of age. Soft toys are unsuitable as they are unable to be cleaned. If you have toys you are looking to donate, please email photos of the toys to donations@elthamtoylibrary.org.au.
Are the toys clean?
We ask our members to ensure all toys being returned are clean and dry. If your child likes to put things in their mouth, give the toy a wipe with disinfectant.
What happens if a toy we borrowed gets broken?
We will assess the age of the toy, whether it is repairable and whether it is still safe and usable. If it is a new toy and now unusable you will be expected to contribute towards the cost of the broken toy or piece. With older toys where the break is due to normal wear and tear there will be no penalty.
Who runs the toy library?
Each year we have a committee of parents who kindly volunteer their time to help maintain the running of the toy library. Their role includes coordinating fundraising activities, purchasing new toys, publicising our services and producing newsletters to keep our members informed. Our committee is always open to more members, and we have a discounted membership rate for the committee.
What do volunteer duties involve?
Volunteering at a borrowing session includes helping check and put away returned toys, tidying shelves, and assisting the Coordinator. All instructions and training are provided the first time you volunteer. We also occasionally ask for volunteers to assist with fundraising events such as BBQs or market stalls.
Is there an alternative to doing duties?
The toy library is run by its members. Without enough people to do duties we would be forced to close sessions. If your circumstances make it difficult to attend duties (for example work commitments) then you can contribute to the toy library in other ways. Helping at fundraising events, for example counts as a duty. You could join the committee and be exempt from duties, or you may be able to assist committee members with aspects of fundraising or publicity projects. Lastly, we do allow members to opt out of duties entirely by paying a non-refundable $40 levy.